Grand Lodge Officers
As a result of the Covid-19 virus, the standard group photo is not available. A group installation of Officers has been replaced by selected installations of officers in their home district. A carousel of those photographs has been included.
Elected Officers
Grand Master
Reg Karbonik
Deputy Grand Master
Terry Murray
Senior Grand Warden
Chris Uchman
Junior Grand Warden
Kyle Scott
Grand Treasurer
John Hart
Grand Secretary
Bill Kostenuk
District Deputy Grand Masters
Alpha District
RW Bro Les Mah
Palliser District
RW Bro John Hailey
Yellowhead District
RW Bro Chad Gjertsen
Central District
RW Bro Glenn Tubillara
Battle River District
RW Bro John Haley
Calgary-Highwood District
RW Bro Anton Ovtchinnikov
Chinookarch District
RW Bro Jerry Waldern
Chinookarch District
(Founded as District 7 on May 31, 1911 and incorporating District 11, founded on May 27, 1914. Three Rivers District dissolved June 2007, founded as District8 on May 31, 1911.)
DDGM Schedule
Lakeland District
RW Bro Bob McRae
Lakeland District
(Founded as District 10 on May 29, 1912 and incorporating part of District 17, founded on June 12, 1929)
DDGM Schedule
Northern Lights District
RW Bro Don Mah
Mighty Peace District
RW Bro Benjamin Geisbretch
Dinosaur District
RW Bro Martin Alcock
Dinosaur District
(Founded as District 14 on June 1919 and incororating District 15, founded on June 8, 1021 and most of District 16, founded on June 12, 1929)
DDGM Schedule
Pheonix District
RW Bro Chuck Rose
Athabasca District
RW Bro Matt Evans
Beaver Hills District
RW Bro Daniel Ferguson
Research Lodges
Alberta Wide
Research Lodges
Internet Lodge of Research