Covid 2020 August – Covid remains an issue

Brethren, as expected Covid-19 continues to remain an issue for our Craft but we are making progress in adapting to how we must do business. Rural lodges are finding more success in adapting to the requirements but again this was foreseen. We will outline some additional steps which we hope will clarify some issues we expect the membership to be facing in the weeks ahead. Please read carefully as once again this is a long and detailed message.

Re: Restricted Attendance
As many Lodges hold meetings in facilities that are owned by third parties, attendance may possibly be capped to meet the strictest requirements of the AHS Regulations for social distancing. As such the senior officers of the affected Lodges must prepare an action plan to limit attendance to meetings. This plan may restrict your meetings to members only and further yet may not allow for full participation in your deliberations by your own members.

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